Locations of NEWCorp Schools

MYcroSchool Florida High Schools

Tuition-Free High School Diploma Program 

New opportunities for a high school diploma in Florida are in a town near you! MYcroSchools are a tuition-free public charter high schools that give students the chance to earn a standard high school diploma in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Citrus, and Pinellas. These high schools are a great option for getting back on-track to graduation and are among the best high schools in Florida. Learn more about MYcroSchool charter high schools.

NEWCorp provides educational services to the following schools:

Duval MYcroShoolMYcroSchool, Jacksonville
Pinellas MYcroSchoolMYcroSchool, St. Petersburg
Biscayne MYcroSchoolBiscayne High School, Jacksonville
Lone Star MYcroSchoolLone Star High School, Jacksonville
Florida SIATech @ GainesvilleSIATech, Gainesville

FREE High School Diploma:

SIATech Gainesville and MYcroSchool Charter High Schools offer tuition-free high school diploma programs for students. For instance, there are no enrollment fees and classes are free. Furthermore, flexible daily schedules allow students to choose from morning or afternoon classes to fit their needs. Additionally, the small class sizes allow teachers to focus on students that need the most help. This individual attention ensures all students graduate on time. Finish high school and get a high school diploma from SIATech Gainesville and MYcroSchool Charter High Schools. Now Enrolling!